3 Ways To Relieve Plantar Fasciitis Pain At Home

Posted on: 29 January 2019

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the tissue that connects the toes to the heel bone. The pain usually occurs after a person has been sitting or lying down for several hours, but it can also develop in people who spend a lot of time on their feet. Since plantar fasciitis causes pain and can make it uncomfortable to walk, run or stand in one place, it is important to get it treated by a professional.
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Hardwood Floors At Home? How To Alleviate Foot Pain

Posted on: 2 October 2018

Hardwood floors are a great addition to a home. Wood floors look rich, sophisticated, and with the right care, they can last for ages. However, hardwood floors are not as friendly when it comes to your feet. If you have hardwood floors in your home, you probably know just how uncomfortable they can be. However, you can work around the issue. Whether you've had pain around your heel or any other part of your foot, there are things you can do to minimize discomfort.
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Treating Your Ingrown Toenail

Posted on: 30 July 2018

Your toes can be a part of your body that you often overlook. Yet, they are an essential part of your body that will experience significant wear and tear. When your toes suffer problems, you will find that many of your daily activities become significantly more difficult. Ingrown toenails are an especially common problem for patients to have to treat and manage. Understand The Potential Causes Of Your Ingrown Toenails
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Hallux Rigidus: Is It The Cause Of Your Painful Big Toes?

Posted on: 3 January 2017

If your big toes feel stiff and painful every time you try to bend them, you may think that you have bunions. But if you don't see bumps on the sides of your great toes, you may have a problem called hallux rigidus instead. Hallus rigidus limits movement in the great toe joint. Here's more things to know about hallux rigidus and what you can do treat it. What Does Hallux Rigidus Mean?
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