Know What To Expect When You Go To The Podiatrist For The First Time

Posted on: 17 November 2016

If you are feeling constant pain in your feet when you walk or run, it may be time to seek professional help from a podiatrist. There are many times when the pain you feel in your feet is caused by something minor that can be easily treated. If the cause is more serious, you want to have it discovered as soon as possible so that you can go back to living a comfortable life.
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Is That A Corn Or A Callus? And Why Does It Matter?

Posted on: 9 November 2016

Corns and calluses: they're just something that everyone has on their feet and you don' have to worry about, right? Well, not necessarily. While a callus or two is usually no cause for concern, sometimes corns can lead to bigger issues like tenderness and skin infections. So it's important to know the difference between the two, as well as how to manage both conditions. What are the differences between calluses and corns?
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What To Expect When You're Scheduled For Hammertoe Surgery

Posted on: 9 November 2016

If you suffer from hammertoe—a condition where the toe bends awkwardly at the middle joint—your podiatrist may have recommended surgery. While there are some treatments that can help a minor case of hammertoe, for best results and the most relief, surgery to straighten the toe will help you remain active and pain free. But you may not know exactly what to expect from hammertoe surgery. Here's a quick rundown of what you can do to ensure a successful outcome.
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The Case For Walkers: Why You Might Consider A Walker Over Crutches After A Serious Foot Injury

Posted on: 8 November 2016

Serious foot and ankle injuries often require the use of crutches for weeks after treatment to keep weight off the recovery foot. For injuries that required surgery, the recovery period can be even longer. Crutches can be cumbersome, and some people do not realize they have other options for weight support. You might consider using a walker during your recovery for the following reasons: Walkers provide consistent stability. If someone kicks out the crutch, you tumble to the ground from the sudden loss of balance.
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